Finding a person online that intrigues you enough to pursue an online relationship is difficult. Once you have found that person you need to revisit the age old issues of developing that relationship. In many respects, some may say that online relationships are easier then in person relationships. But, in reality it is pretty much the same, just a little bit more removed. Dating tips are essentially the same, but… Continue reading
4 Rules to transform an long distance love on the Internet into an normal relationship
Let’s suppose that you are meeting someone online and that person seem to be the mach of your life, but is living far away from you. Does it worth to spend your time to a long distance relationship with this person? But, what if this person is realy your soulmate?
You may be surprised how much a relationship can grow if you work at it. If you know and… Continue reading
About Fairness And Female Relationships
One of the biggest mistakes men make in their relationships with women is projecting into them their male thinking.
One of the masculine features they usually project into women is fairness.
When this mistake comes back to byte their asses they do not understand what happened, they cannot understand why their girls come back to them in such a self-centered, selfish way in response to their fairness… Continue reading
How To Succeed In Love And Relationship
So many men approach me saying something like “I am interested!” But the look on their face shows otherwise… They do not get clear about what they want or do not. Its important to know what you really can not tolerate in a partner. You should Make a list of your “don’t wants” and then cut it down to the 5-10 most important. I don’t have a positive outlook on… Continue reading
3 Categories Women Put You In Before You Meet
When approaching women, even before you have said a word or done anything she has already unconsciously put you into one of three categories:
I Like Him
I Don’t Like Him
Now that you are aware of the three different categories lets go over each ones strengths and weaknesses for you.
Category #1: I like Him: If you happen to look or remind her… Continue reading