Product DescriptionA fun and candid message about morality for youth ages 12 to 18 Young fun and energetic, John Hilton III is a favorite speaker among young Latter-day Saints. He’s also passionate about teaching youth the doctrine behind why we should live LDS standards and values. In his first talk on CD, John teaches the importance of staying morally… Continue reading
E-Dating and Beyond: A candid conversation with a couple in love on e-dating, sex, relationships, marriage…and beyond
Product DescriptionIn E-Dating and Beyond Anton and Elena Spektorov compare and contrast the most popular dating websites – so you don’t have to! Learn the pros and cons of Eharmony,, and Yahoo! Personals before you start your search for the person of your dreams, and spare yourself both expense and frustration. Sex… intimacy… porn … social dogmas… it’s… Continue reading
May I Kiss You? A Candid Look at Dating, Communication, Respect, & Sexual Assault Awareness
Product DescriptionMay I Kiss You? is an in-depth look at the realities of dating and intimacy. While most people simply “make their move” on a date, Mike Domitrz reveals why asking first makes all the difference. Domitrz’s candid advice, real-life scenarios, and interactive exercises will revolutionize your approach to dating while adding romance, building respect, and heightening your awareness… Continue reading